Category Archives: Internet

Hello Internet!

Hi, I am Zhou Renjian, coming from China. I am going to share my oriental views about Internet with you.

I know that you and most of visitors come here through search engine, which means that you already know the Internet fairly well (If not, you won’t reach here!). But I still want to ask you again to think about the Internet and then think about “You”.

What is Internet and who are you?

Just think it for another seconds, and then try to say hello to the Internet and also say hello to you.

Hello Internet! Hello Zhou Renjian (Replace your name here)!

By saying the above hellos, I hope you will can think differently ™, and I hope you will start your new Internet journey with me.

My slogan is “Cognize Internet, Recognize Myself/Yourself“. And I will cognize all things about the Internet on the purpose for better chances for both of you and me to recognize the outside world. I hope we can get a better way to improve ourselves, increase our working efficiencies, and mantain our friendships or other relationships.

Your opinions, your thoughts are very important for me. Please let me know your opinions, or just say hi to let me know you.

Posted in Internet | 2 Comments